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Cortez legendary island

Cortez describing California's Women

The legendary island, fourth carta de relación of Hernán Cortés

In his fourth carta de relación (a letter to Spain narrating events of the conquest), datelined Mexico (meaning what is now Mexico City) 15 October 1524, Hernán Cortés wrote to the king of Spain about certain information about a legendary island, information that had been brought to him by the captain who had achieved the conquest of Colima.

Y así mismo me trajo relación de los señores de la provincia de Cihuatlán, que se afirman mucho de haber toda una isla poblada de mujeres, sin varón ninguno, y que en ciertos tiempos van de la tierra firme hombres que con ellas han acceso… y si paren mujeres, las guardan; y si hombres, los echan de su compañia; y que esta isla está a diez jornadas de esta provincia; y que muchos dellos han ido allá y la han visto. Dícenme asimismo que es muy rica en perlas y oro; yo trabajaré en teniendo aparejo de saber la verdad y hacer de ello larga relación a vuestra majestad.
And in the same manner I was brought a story from the men of the province of Cihuatlán, which reinforced completely that there is an island populated by women, without a single male, and at certain times men come from the mainland, who are granted access by the women… and if they give birth to women [sic], they keep them; and if men, they throw them out of their company; and that this island is ten days journey from this province; and that many of them have gone there and have seen it. They tell me also that it is very rich in pearls and gold; I will prepare myself to know the truth and tell it at length to your majesty.
 – Hernán Cortés. Fourth carta de relación.